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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, December 3, 2009

When does the wind die down?


The last number of outdoor runs I’ve had have been brutal due to wind. I know it is due to the season (it is fall here in Ontario), but I’m wondering when does this wind die down? I’d like to keep running outdoors throughout the winter, but don’t know if I’ll make it in this wind.

On Tuesday, I suited up for a lunch time run. My intent was to run the usual along Queen’s Quay in Toronto in an out and back for a total 5.5k run. Easy-peasy: a scenic route with a respectable distance that leaves enough time to shower, change and get back to work within an hour-ish.

When I turned west on Queen’s Quay at Yonge I almost died! There were tall men walking faster than I was running (I’m only 5 ft). I did chug it out for a bit, but then had to turn north. I ended up running an unplanned loop that saw me complete 4.11k which isn’t actually that bad. However if the wind doesn’t die down soon, I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep going outside (I know, running outdoors will make me stronger and the half in May will likely be windy – but BAH! I’m a wimp!). I’m forever glad that my friend Sarah keeps me going on our longer Saturday runs.

I must say that this 500k goal has done wonders for my motivation. Knowing that I’m only 89.77k away from the goal (3.1km per day) is awesome. I need to run 22.44km each week in the next four. I know I can do it and the feeling is awesome! Now, if only the wind will cooperate so that I can do some of it outdoors!

1 comment:

  1. Way to keep up with the 500k goal!

    One thing I sort of forgot about with fall/winter is the WIND. Ugh. Not a fan.


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