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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Catching up!

Hello! I feel like it has been forever since I've had the time to sit down and blab all about what's been up with me. Pretty much the usual has kept me from blogging: Crazy work and family time!  So here's what I've been up to in a nut-shell!

Training Plan

The plan kicked off last week with a 10k Monday morning run, then a 10k Tuesday morning run with tempo! I got both in, but decided to take Wednesday as a rest day and forego yoga as well because my calves and shins were bothering me. Not painful, just tight. I spent some time with my foam roller

 and things seemed okay for the rest of my week which included one more easy run of 7.5k (again at the crack of dawn) and one long run, done on Friday morning after I dropped my son off at school:

Out of the planned 54k for week one, I managed to get in 45.5k. Not bad as I skipped one run of 8k and only ran 7.5k instead of 8k for an easy run.
I enjoyed my first cold water bath of the training cycle after the 18k. Maybe one day I'll add ice...

Family Time

The reason why I had to shorten the run week and why I had Friday off was because we spent the weekend camping at Rockwood Conservation Area with some great friends including my best friend from high school. Friday was great and it rained most of the day on Saturday:
But we were able to get to the beach after dinner and spent another four hours on the beach on Sunday before heading home. I love camping at Rockwood because it is at most, 30 minutes from home. 

Morning Runnig

Look at that time of day! As mentioned, I am attempting to get 4/5 runs done in the early morning before work (and done before 0600). This means that I'm up with the alarm at 0435 and out the door while the time still shows 04XX. I've enjoyed this routine so far because I'm getting some good quality runs in and getting them out of the way without compromising everything else I want to do in the day. Plus its hot out.
Even at 0550 in the morning, the heat is killer! I had to miss my morning tempo today because I had a big meeting at work and had to leave the house by 0615, so we'll see how the humidity treats me around 2000 tonight. 


Has been busy, but joyful. Today is my three month anniversary here so YAY! end of probation and bring on the benefits! Because I've been running so much in the morning, I'm embracing my natural frizzy wavy/curly hair and am actually loving it

So, that's life in a nutshell! Hope you've also been keeping well. 

Tell me, do you work out in the morning? What is the earliest you'd be willing to wake up to get that workout in? (for me, it is 0430). Any frizzy curly hair tips?

1 comment:

  1. Your hair looks pretty!!

    You should definitely add ice to the bath, it is pretty cold at first but then you adapt. I do sometimes just use cold water if we don't have ice, though.


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