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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Ah the Girls weekend

This past weekend, I went to Picton, ON with 21 ladies I met online. On a chat board. Yep. It was our second annual retreat weekend and it was AMAZING! Take a look:

We rented 5 "rustic" cabins on Treasure Cove Lane:

I attempted foil wrapped S'mores (Do not do this without a grate to keep them flat):

Of course there were Jello shooters (Lime & Tequila, Cherry & Rum, Grape & Vodka):

Punch MADNESS (um, 5 mikey's of varied booze, ginger ale and fruit):

And of course, what 21 lady, 5 cabin retreat would be complete without fondue bacon?

Needless to say, I had the BEST time! I didn't run though. In fact I didn't do much of anything last week at all. I did 7.24km on the treadmill tonight in 51:43 and sucked wind pretty much the entire time resorting to 5 and 1's after my first round of 10 and 1's. At least I got it done. I mean, I think I'm still drunk.


  1. mmm, jello shooters :) Looks like a great time!

  2. Now THAT looks like a fun (and yummy) weekend.

  3. wow look at the food and beverages! i am jealous :) looks like an excellent weekend!

  4. looks like a great time! i wish i lived in that neck of the woods.

  5. That looks like so much fun!! Especially the punch...but what in the world is a "mikey's"?

    Clueless Cousin in Minnesota

  6. Lisa, I believe in the States, a Mickey is also known as a Fifth.


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