About Me

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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Thursday, May 28, 2009

It has got to be SYTYCD*

*So You Think You Can Dance




A steady pace



I changed up Thursday's and Friday's plans as we're out for dinner tomorrow night. I also figured out the ticker. Whee.

Help with the ticker?

Hello to anyone who reads this (C&M! - HI!). Can you please help me move my tracking ticker to a side nav instead of in my title? I can't figure out how to do it and don't know how to code.

Many thanks!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Mid Week Check in...

I missed Sunday's run. I admit it right now. I spent the time when my son napped and used it to make some meals for the week and some muffins. Then our family went for a walk and played together after he woke up. I don't mind.

Running outside on Saturday was hot. At the most it was 13c when I ran, but the sun was beating down on me and I was sweating badly. One good thing I did is to wear a baseball cap. That really helped to keep the sweat out of my eyes. I only ran 5k, but I could have used some water. I guess I'm going to have to look at budgeting for a belt because I couldn't run and carry something like water, it would completely throw me off.

Monday, I made it to Curves and played baseball (a loss), Tuesday I played baseball again (a win!), but it was not much exercise if I'm being honest. Today, I did curves and 5.8k on the treadmill as it was raining post 8pm (when the kid goes to bed). I ran 5.5k of that straight. STRAIGHT! Woot! I can't believe it. I don't know what helped me to keep running (a good day, watching So You Think You Can Dance, eating pasta primavera for dinner), but I just kept it up. I even kicked it into a faster pace for the last two minutes. I think that if I target one treadmill run a week, I should attempt to do greater distances with the hope of improving my 5k times. I haven't read much about running techniques or personal best strategies as I still feel like a novice who is just trying to be consistent, but one thing I have read is that in order to improve my 5k time, I should attempt longer runs.

Speaking of PB's. I'm pretty sure I'm going to sign up for the Bread and Honey 5k race next weekend. I'm from Meadowvale (the town adjacent to Streetsville) and I used to walk/dance in the parade every year. The race is at 8am on June 7th, so I don't know how I'll do in terms of time (I SHOCKED myself with my Mississauga Marathon 5k time), and I have no friends who will run it with me, but I really think it'll be a great way to keep up my momentum and its a month from my last race.

I guess I'll update once I decide to go ahead!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

No lagomorphs hurt this month

Which means zero excuses for a 60km June.

I'm starting this afternoon with an outdoor run as soon as my husband gets home from some errands (I'm currently listening to our kid chat to his toys in his crib).

This past week sucked. I got to Curves once and played baseball, but work was very busy and I felt like crap (hoped it was early pregnancy, not pre-menstruation) and then had to go to a visitation and funeral of a 2 year old Thursday/Friday.

This week looks like this:

Sat: 5k run
Sun: 5k run (or plus)
Monday: Curves, baseball 9pm
Tuesday: Baseball 7pm
Wednesday: Curves, 5k run
Thursday: Curves
Friday: 5k run (or plus)
Sat: All you can eat Red Sox @ Blue Jays

Perhaps listing it all will help me to get it done!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Week of May 11

Well, after all of the running love I experienced last week, I did NOTHING about it this week! Whoops. In fact, my entire week was complete CRAP in terms of exercise, but with good excuse (I should hope).

Monday: Work, no time during work for Curves, after work in the evening I spent time with my family because
Tues-Wed: Conference in Niagara-on-the-Lake. This was a great conference and we got to stay at the Queen’s Landing hotel and enjoy a tasting and dinner at Inniskillin. I was VERY good and did NOT get drunk. I managed to make it back to my room in time for the Biggest Loser winner reveal (I do wish Tara had won, but I guess they all win in the end).
Thursday: A day to remember for sure! I went to Toronto Blue Jay Fantasy camp courtesy of the Toronto Star. I did get loads of exercise in this day (must have circled the Dome three times, plus ran from the home bench to RF seven times). This day was AMAZING! We got an entire uniform, a bag, a day with coaching staff, and we got to play a game on the field! I went 1-2 on a fielder’s choice and stole second (the only steal attempt all day!). Our team won 10-7, then Adam Lind, Brett Cecil and Kevin Millar came out to present MVP’s to each team (dude who hit a grand slam from our team won) and sign a baseball for each of us. After that, I hung out and watched Halladay work out his arm (he didn’t pitch that night) and marveled at his pure athleticism. We showered up and went for drinks at the Hard Rock prior to dinner at Sightlines followed by the game (Yankees) in a private box. Again, I did NOT get drunk (I was driving), but I had such a great time, despite the 3-2 loss.
Friday: No way in hell was I able to do anything with my super sore legs and torso from the day before.
Saturday: My in-laws came, so I wasn’t about to be rude and take off on them for 45 minutes.

And so that was the week that was. I’m back on track this week and have a three run plus three curves visit strategy planned. Let’s hope this time, I stick to it!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Update, race report and more!

Oh yes. I know it has been a lot time since I posted. Basically, life got in the way: Easter, followed by the world's worst cold (which the doctor thought might have been mono, but wasn't), then my hubs and his broken hand which meant that I had to double my chore duties (bathing the kid, washing the dishes, sweeping - I tell ya, I can't WAIT for that maid to show up one day! ;)). Anyway, my 'training' as it was, got sidetracked as well. While I did manage a few more treadmill runs and a few more outside, I didn't even get close to my winter average of three runs per week. Curves also feel by the wayside, but my weight didn't suffer (who knew?). Net net, I am doing okay and enjoyed my first race on Saturday.

As I mentioned in my last post, I raced my first 5k on Saturday as part of the Mississauga Marathon series! I am so happy with the way it all worked out and am hooked! I'm looking to sign up for another 5k in late June sometime (any suggestions?), then the T.O. Women's 5K - hello firefighters! Then by the end of the summer my goal is to find a 10k and run it. This is all dependant on whether or not my efforts to kill a rabbit are successful. I've had conflicting advice if I can continue to run/train if I'm pregnant.

On Saturday, my chip time was 31:02 for the 5k and my friend ran it in 30:55 so we really were at the same pace. We didn't run together much as she got totally caught up in the start (we were very early and thus right at the start) and lost her pace early on. We caught up again just at 2.5k and ran for a bit together. After I told her, "just run on without me if you want, I don't want to hold you back" I ended up taking off on her! (uh she was like a few paces behind me!). I heard from other people who ran the 5 or 10k that night that the wind was bad, but I didn't feel it at all! I was exhilarated the whole time and running with a group helped me in a major way. I did snort water up my nose when I took some at the 2k mark, but I figure that's a rookie mistake that I'm allowed. I ran with my iPod which really helped me to pace and I only ended up walking twice (my strategy was 10 and 1s, but I guess adrenaline is a good thing). My friend's husband finished the 5k in 19:23, coming in second in his age group despite NO training!!! I hope we all continue to run together, it could be really special to watch him run some longer distances in future!

Beyond my own race, which I'm quite pleased with, I had the chance to go down to the finish line at the Mississauga Marathon to watch my cousin finish her first ever marathon in 4:02:31 and her friend finish his first ever marathon in 3:09:29 (and qualify for Boston)! The atmosphere was amazing at the finish line and the shear determination of the athletes from the half and full as they crossed the finish line was enough to get this sports fan wanting more! I can't wait to see what my running future brings!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

My FIRST ever 5k!

I started, I ran, I finished. It was amazing and I will be running other races when ever I can in future. I wanted to get it done in under 35 minutes. I killed it at 31:06. I'm most proud because I was in the front to start and did not get caught up in the start, instead I stuck right at my pace and was able to enjoy a great run. No photos at all, but I do have stats! Whee!

Place: 461/1161
Time: 31:06
Pace: 6:14
Category Place: 27/110
Gender Place: 201/734

More later!