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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What I Ate Wednesday!

Yippee! Another round of What I ate Wednesday Tuesday!

Breakfast was something I haven't had in FOREVER! Quick oats with brown sugar, topped with a fresh Ontario Peach!

 I was hoping to get a run in on my lunch break, so I snacked up around 10am. Un-pictured is my coffee. I bought a Contingo travel cup and am loving it!

 For lunch I enjoyed leftovers from Monday night! Beef meatloaf with peas and periogies. Can you say yum?

I did not have time to run over lunch hour due to a meeting which ran late, but I did get a quick 5k run done in between afternoon meetings!

 On the train home, I enjoyed two more Ontario peaches!

 Dinner was an amazing omlette that my husband made me with peppers and smoked cheddar cheese.

After dinner, I went to play softball (uh, not with the Canadian team).
We lost 4-1

After softball, I enjoyed some well earned treats. I did NOT enjoy the Blue Jays bullpen blowing a close game against the A's.

I hope your day is full of wonderful eats and great activity!


  1. You've got me craving peaches and perogis now - quite the combination! Heheh :)

  2. Wow - you just squeezed in a 5K between meetings? Nice work!!

    I haven't had perogis in far too long.

  3. Your food looks wonderful :) really wonderful

  4. Love Ontario peaches and your omelete looks deliciously yummy!

  5. contigo mugs are the best! no spillage!

    this is belated - but the egg "cupcakes" i actually eat 2-3 of them, along with a shake/smoothie. one is def not enough!


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