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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Monday, March 18, 2013

Mississauga Marathon Training Week 11!

Sorry I haven't blogged much in the past week. You'd think with a mere five days left at my current job, I'd have more time, but alas, I did not. I did manage to hit all of my planned runs this week, and after a few weeks of stalled weight-loss, I lost a whole pound! Nine more to go to get to goal race weight!

Monday: Rest. My legs felt great on Monday despite running for three hours the day before and moving boxes from my garage to my basement for 3 hours after that. I really think that the active recovery worked super well as I did not have time for an ice-bath. I was starving all day, which my fellow long distance runners told me was normal:

Tuesday: I woke up nice and early at 0500 to get out the door for an out and back tempo run. I had decided to go with a 1k warm up, 4k tempo (which should take me 20mins) and 1k cool down. I got a solid C on this run. I got the first two tempo paces done (5:01-4:58) but then my breathing and mind took over and I freaked out about my erratic breathing which caused my heart rate to skyrocket which caused my breathing to go crazy and I had to walk to settle that shit down (5:15-5:22). Live and learn. I REALLY, REALLY prefer to run tempo on the treadmill. 6.01k, 32:47

Wednesday: Hill nights. MyGodWhenWillTheseBeDone? WooHoo! Daylight savings caught up to me big time on Wednesday (hello naps on the train into and out of work!) and I was just BLAH while running up and down (and up and down x 8). I started to think about the fact that I HATE running! I had to turn that into I BigPuffyHeart LOVE running and just get those hills done even if the paces were.... meh. Oh, did I mention the headwind? No? BAH! 11.5k, 1:08:48

Thursday: Finally! An easy run night. Our clinic chat was about Around the Bay strategy (the marathon group and Around the Bay group are on the same nights and all but one of the marathon group is running the race on Sunday). Wayne and I set off for the 10k run and chatted the miles away. It is so nice to meet people who share the joy of running. 10.5k, 59:30

Friday: Rest. I got taken for a farewell lunch and the pub was handing out St. Patrick day hats:

Photo may have been taken post 3 pints of Harp

Saturday: I set my clothes out the night before and my alarm for 6am to enjoy the beauty silent morning again.... and then I didn't get out of bed. HA! The day was busy and I wanted to run before noon due to our LSD run on Sunday, so I fit it in around 9am. 6.01k, 33:49. Then we went to the Marlie's game because Alasdair had been selected to play during the first intermission as part of the TimBits hockey program. He took the faceoff!
AlMac's in blue!
Fergus enjoyed the thundersticks and pizza!

Sunday: We had our long run! I wore green as it was St. Patrick's day, but it was so cold, no one saw it because I had to wear my coat over top. Yan (who was leading the Chilly Half Marathon clinic) joined Wayne and I for the 29k run. We paced pretty perfectly on this run and our first 10k we so steady, it was amazing (1k at 6:05, 6k at 5:50 and the others around 5:47-5:53!). Like last week, Henry met us at 19k with a van of delights and I ate two orange pieces and settled in for the last 10k, home. I'm sure that Wayne and I are ready to Around the Bay as the goal is not to race it at least not until the last 3k. 29.01k, 2:50:11

Total KM: 63.03, Total Time: 6:05:05, Average pace per KM: 0:05:48

Another great week in the books! This week brings the excitement of the Around the Bay Race Run race? I can't wait to enjoy myself again! Look for my twitter updates while on route at twitter.com/nicmac


  1. Great week of training Nicole! Great pics as usual.

  2. Congrats on getting those hills done. They're a necessary evil unfortunately

  3. Impressive week despite all the blahs, gahs and mehs

  4. Gosh I hate leaving messages with the iPad, you never know when it won't let you write anymore... So, where was I? Yes, kudos for all the km banked this week! I hope to see you at ATB, you firecracker. My coach doesn't want me to race it either, so I'll be cruising along.... I want to race it a little though... Hard to go against his wish.


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