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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Monday, October 3, 2011

Week 12

I've hit the training cycle blahs and am doing my best to continue to get out there for all of my runs and stick to my plan...

Sunday: Rest. I totally used the Zoo Race as an excuse - I could have run.

And so I felt guilty and so -

Monday: 16k - LSD after work. I got home at 6pm, dropped the baby off and headed out for the run. It was not very pleasant. Despite eating an apple and a Clif bar on the GO Train on the way home, I was starving by like 7k and the GU Chomps did nothing to help with this. When I got home, I ate my pasta dinner and drank loads of water, but ended up with major stomach issues. I drank some gatorade and ended up crawling up to bed. 1:40:50

Tuesday: Rest

Wednesday: 11.44k - Intervals with the clinic again. We did 5 repeats on this night and I ended up running with a girl who was aiming for a 5:15 pace. Because my watch has a light, I ended up being the time keeper/pace bunny and cheerleader as I ensured she didn't wimp out on the last repeat. Splits were 5:13-5:18-5:12-5:14-5:14. Cheers included: "You can do ANYTHING for four minutes." This was a great run - lots of fun. 1:11:05

Thursday: 5k - Hit the gym for a treadmill run during lunch. Part of the No Excuses mantra. I was bored so increased the pace each mile, despite the hard work the night before. 32:25

Friday: 5.32k - I had the day off of work and was planning to run as soon as I dropped my oldest off at school, but a 4am wake up by Fergus saw me come home and have a nap instead. Then I met a friend for lunch and met my husband at the dealership to buy a new-to-us truck:

Then I had to shop as we were having people over for supper both Saturday and Sunday nights. By the time I got home, I had enough time to get just a quick run in before I had to pick my son up from the after-school program. 32:15

Saturday: Rest - I PLANNED to run, but there was just too much family and prep stuff to do and as I've mentioned, I've hit the BLAHS this week with running.

Total KM: 36.76 Time spent running: 3:53:35 Average pace per KM: 0:06:26


  1. Nice truck, and nice week of runs!
    By the way, that was totally a typo on my blog, goal for my first half is 2:43 not 1:43! lol

  2. Great truck! It's totally normal to feel that way in the training that's for sure. That rest day on Monday probably did you way more good than the run would have so don't be too hard on yourself.

  3. Look at you with the long run on Monday night! I would have been way too tired & hungry - way to get 'er done.

    Congrats on the new toy! I mean, truck!

    Keep going strong - this is no time to lose momentum!


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