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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What I Ate Wednesday!

Time for another awesome edition of What I Ate Wednesday hosted by Peas & Crayons:

The morning started right with a bowl of Kashi Go Lean Crunch and strawberries. I'm very excited that farmers are saying that berries will be ready for this Saturday's farmers market! YUM. I am a fiend!

I don't think I'd make it through a morning without my Grande Bold

Lunch was a wilty and sad mixed greens with balsamic with some baby carrots and a cheese stick and cheese stick bun stolen from my children

I went to a presentation by a Harvard professor in the afternoon at a swanky law firm and enjoyed the snacks on offer

But I still wanted something sweet for the train ride home (un pictured is about 10 almonds)

Dinner was a rushed affair as Alasdair had baseball, but smart folks that we are, we re-heated some previously cooked and frozen pork kebabs and added rice and frozen corn for a nice meal.

After baths and bedtime, I enjoyed one of these super yummy ice bars.

And that was my day of eats on Tuesday, May 29th. Oh, I also did this:

It was a hazy day in Toronto, but it was still an amazing thing to do! 


  1. That helicopter ride looks like fun!

  2. Too cool - the helicopter ride must've be awesome! :)

    I replied to your comment on my blog but just in case you don't see it - I will post the pasta salad recipe soon! I'll keep you updated! :)

  3. Wow, what an awesome experience!r


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