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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What I ate Wednesday

Another edition of What I ate Wednesday Tuesday, featuring my eats from June 19, 2012.

 It was a rushed morning so I grabbed a quick snack before I left for the train.
 I was lucky to have a freezer stocked with homemade banana and chocolate chip muffins which I enjoyed with my morning cuppa.
 Lack of leftovers plus a rushed morning yielded a toasted bagel with plain cream cheese and some carrots for lunch.
 Oh hey! Look at that sensible snack! YUM!
 Oh hey! Look at that non-sensible snack! YUM!
 This dinner plate looks horrible. It was amazing though. Both Alasdair and I had baseball last night and it was disgustingly hot. My parents came over to watch Fergus so that he didn't have to go watch melt. We enjoyed my mum's awesome potato and egg salad with corn on the cob and BBQ'd drumsticks.
 Oh, his plate looks better. Well, he's cuter! (the kids had brown rice as neither have grown the taste buds to enjoy the salad. Yet).
Post baseball game indulgence. A girl's gotta live twice in one day, apparently.

And there it is! My day of eating. I hope you enjoyed as much goodness as I did.


  1. Oh my gosh, look at the little guy eating corn on the cob - I love it! :)

  2. I could never do one of these for fear of being judged for my occasional potato chip sarnie for lunch! LOL I love your little guy eating the corn. Too cute!

  3. FERGUS! I love that name!!!! So unique and CUTE.

    I love corn on the cob!!!!

  4. Awww fergus is so dang cute with his corn on the cob :) and I LOVE your non-sensible snack. I'd eat that whole box ;)

  5. I cannot wait for my first feed of bbq'ed corn on the cob.
    Not sure what I am waiting for though. :)


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