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Milton, Ontario, Canada

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

What I Ate Wednesday

Spooky Snacks and Healthy Halloween Treats

Time for another edition of one of my favorite posts to write. Featuring the food I ate yesterday!

 Whole Grain Cheerios with banana and milk. Un-photographed coffee

 Snack. MMMM.

 Lunch. Curried Sweet Potato and Cauliflower Soup. AMAZING.

Train Snack!

Dinner made by my husband! I know, amazing for a Tuesday! Roast chicken, Rice a Roni (which I LOVE) and Caesar salad!

Happy Halloween!


  1. I just typed out a huge comment that's gone now :( Anyway coles notes:

    1. LOVE your little man's costume
    2. Your WIAW's are hilarious....everyone else's are so healthy and make me feel like I should be eating twigs.
    3. I should try a WIAW
    4. have fun tonight :)

  2. What a sweet hubby you have :)


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